Remix app for mac
Remix app for mac

remix app for mac

I’ve added an rule into my custom style, but it’s not working. However, you can still write rules to use webfonts in your custom styles.

remix app for mac

Since this is a deliberate Safari security measure, Cascadea doesn’t have a way to bypass this limitation. This prevents websites from fingerprinting and tracking users based on what fonts they have installed. What’s the problem?īeginning in Safari 12, Safari no longer allows sites to use locally-installed fonts on your computer, aside from a limited selection of system fonts. I am trying to use a font in my custom styles, but it doesn’t seem to load. At no point does Cascadea store or transmit any information about what websites you are visiting, or any information you are entering or viewing on those sites. The extension needs to see what webpages you are visiting so that it can determine what custom styles should be applied, and it needs permission to read and modify those webpages to inject your custom styles. These permissions are essential to Cascadea's ability to function.

Remix app for mac install#

When you install Cascadea and enable the extension in Safari, you may notice that the extension requires the ability to see any webpages you are visiting, as well as view and modify the contents of these webpages. You can also optionally sync your styles and preferences using iCloud, which is governed by Apple's iCloud Terms and Conditions. If you have enabled App Analytics in macOS, Apple may supply me with anonymous crash reports to help me identify issues in the app. The app itself has absolutely no analytics code, no behavior tracking, and no A/B testing. Cascadea's privacy policy is very simple: I don't collect any data from you using the app.

Remix app for mac